Buddy Montgomery

Charles "Buddy" Montgomery was born in Indianapolis on January 30th 1930. He is more known for his vibes playing than the piano, the latter has been brought to the forefront in his later years. He toured the U.S. for several years with his brothers Monk (bass) and Wes (guitar). He moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1969 where he became involved in a variety of enterprises, music consultant and instructor for inner city youth, producing concerts for prisons, teaching jazz, acting as a judge or clinician at University workshops, and the list goes on. Apart from his vibes and piano playing he is a fine composer too.

Recommended recordings:
"The Montgomery Brothers" with Wes MontgomeryOJC 139-2
"Shearing & Montgomery Bros."
with George Shearing
OJC 040-2
As Leader

"Live at Maybeck" Concord CCD- 4494
"Tears of Love"Landmark LCD-1512
"Here Again"Sharp Nine CD 1008-2
